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Start your FREE one-year trial with ChatGive

Make giving easy and see your donations grow. With ChatGive, donors can give at any time from anywhere.

Reach your fundraising goals

Giving Chat Button

Embed this on you’re website so donors can instantly submit their contributions.

Free Text Giving

Donors can easily text the donation amount to your custom giving number.

Dedicated Giving Link

Give donors a way to access your giving portal on your socials or print materials.

What is ChatGive?

ChatGive is a simple-to-use but powerful way to consistently collect tithes from members who prefer to give digitally. Put ChatGive’s chat widget on your website so that your donors can contribute easily and securely to your church, political campaign, or cause. It is a free giving chat widget that has been shown to grow donations.

Does it cost anything to use ChatGive?

Registration is free and all you pay is a flat fee of 2.5% for each transaction total from credit cards and bank accounts. It’s one of the lowest processing rates you’ll find out there.

Start your FREE one-year trial with ChatGive


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