political campaign software

Political Campaign Software and Making Donations Easy

One of the biggest choices you will make when you are deciding to run a fundraiser is who is going...

political donor

Political Donations, Payment Processors, and Instagram Limits

A political donor is important to politicians. Political donations have been around as long as there have been elections. They...

Political Campaign Donation

Political Campaign Donation Receipts – A Badge of Honor

Getting a political campaign donation receipt is a badge of honor. It means that you supported a candidate and what...

Online Campaign Donations

Online Donations Systems and Competiting With the Other Candidate

Online campaign donations provide an instant influx of cash that may make the difference between defeat and a seat in...

donation campaign website

Make Your Donation Campaign Website Work For You

If you are a political candidate then you need a donation campaign website that is set up to take donations...

political campaign payment processor

Payment Processors and Political Campaigns

Want to open your own political fundraising campaign online with a political campaign payment processor? It is a great idea...

political donations website

Setting Up Your Political Donations Website

Running a political donations website, as a candidate, has many advantages that you will love. The first thing is that...

online political donations

Online Political Donations – Why You Need A Payment Processor

The internet and world health problems have hastened the quickness that we are now finding ourselves in with regards to...

campaign fundraising

The Ups and Downs of Campaign Fundraising Online and Offline

Every election there are people who seek to get donations to get their campaign fundraising off the ground. It takes...

Campaign Donation Website

Political Fundraising Campaigns – Their Candidates and Websites

Campaign donation websites are extremely important. Why? They are an absolute must for politicians especially because of recent health events....